"In the Movement, there is no judgment, there is no separation, there is no right or wrong. Nothing is solid and everything becomes possible. What if our whole life could be that dance?"
- Amy Shine
Amy found herself using movement as a therapy to move energy when she was in her early 20’s.
After being through a mental breakdown & finding herself searching for deeper meaning to life, she found herself doing free form dance at home by herself using music & movement as a medium to heal. .She then stumbled upon Embodied Movement Practices (5 Rhythms & Ecstatic Dance) and it was in these classes she found her Joy again. The Dance was the one place where all the judgment stopped and a world of magic & possibiltles became available.
‘’Movement can be one of the greatest tools to give you back the ease and joy of embodiment.’’-Amy Shine
Amy went on to train in Ecstatic Dance movement & has combined what she knows with movement & the tools of Access Consciousness to facilitate people out of their heads, into their bodies, to let go of control & receive a connection with the Earth & dance with the symphony of the universe.

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