Out of survival mode and into thrival...
The thing you are trying to clear is not changing. Your asking to manifest/actualize something and it’s not showing up...
Are you stuck in survival?
Wouldn’t you be able to serve the world better if you were thriving?
This year, I took the time out to do somatic healing (nervous system work) and learn about subconscious programming.
What I found was, it’s not enough to just ask for something to clear or ask for something to show up with your conscious mind.
You need to get your subconscious mind on board with what you are asking AND your body also has to know that it’s safe for you to have the thing you are asking for.
All parts of you have to be included:
Mind, body and spirit alignment.
This is what I’m seeing transform my life and transform the clients I have worked with this year.
I have a new approach in my sessions and I am opening my schedule to work with 3 clients over the next few months.
What you get: 3 x 60 minute sessions plus unlimited voice note support over 6 weeks.
If you’d like to be one of those 3 people, be the first to sign up below.
Free up your mind and use your energy for creation, thrival and action.
With one-on-one online sessions and un-limited voice messaging support.
Getting these messages from you has gotten me through so many difficult times and stuck places over the last year.
I wake up so excited to see that I have a message from you and can’t wait to listen.
You always pick up on the energy of what is going on, and lift me up to hear clearly what is true for me.
I’ve had so many ahas and sighs of relief when we go back and forth and talk here - so much light when I’ve been really confused and felt alone.
You have an ability to not just offer your wisdom, but to empower me to have mine.
You’re one of the most supportive and caring people I have ever known. Thank you for being here and working with me with so much heart and presence. It’s been a total game-changer and continues to be. ❤️
-Emily R
"I never knew so much could happen in one session, I went through lifetimes of stuff. This was the most powerful energy work I've experienced yet.''